Prophesy Guitar Preamp with effects

Prophesy Guitar Preamp with effects


(Programmable Digital / Tube Guitar Preamp
with assignable effects.)

Effectively comprising three complete processors
in a single package, the Prophesy™ is the single most powerful and
sophisticated guitar system available today. With dual 24-bit, 66MHz DSP processors
providing 130mips of processing power, the Prophesy is over 12 times as powerful as the
original Rocktron Intellifex!
The preamp section
features four channels – Clean American, Texas Blues, Vintage British and Mega
Drive, each with their own distinct “voicing’s” to provide a vast
array of tube amp sounds to the player.  Each voicing may be thought of as a
“channel” and each channel has it’s own basic gain and master controls with
bass, mid, treble and presence controls, all easily accessible with knobs, just like a
regular amp head.  In addition, every Prophesy preset offers a parametric pre-EQ
(just before the preamp stage), a parametric post-EQ (after the preamp for extra tone
control if needed), and a parametric global EQ which effects ALL presets at the same time,
which is useful for adjusting the over-all tone in different environments.

The pre-effects section features wah, compression, HUSH®, EQ, and an
assignable pre-effect of your choice.  The highly-configurable post-effects
section provides ultra-transparent, high quality effects which completely
preserve the tone of the preamp—thick reverbs and lush choruses can be used without
coloring the sound of the preamp’s tone.  Four assignable “effect blocks”
allow you to assign 1 pre preamp effect and 3 post preamp effects in any order you choose,
including phaser, flanger, chorus, pitch shift, rotary speaker, delay and ADSR! 
Advanced mixer functions allow you to direct the desired amount of direct and effect sound
through each block.  Tremolo and reverb are fixed at the end of the chain where they
belong and the tremolo can be placed pre or post reverb.   The stereo effect loop may
be assigned as an “effect” in the pre-effect block or any of the 3 post-effect
blocks – this means that any other outboard effect unit can also be placed anywhere in the
effect chain!!!

The ADSR (Attack/Decay/Sustain/Release) function features Rocktron’s
patent-pending pluck detection, and allows you to configure any of the 
Prophesy parameters to be controlled dynamically by each pluck of a guitar string. 
An obvious application of the ADSR would be to control the wah wah effect to create an

While designing the Prophesy, we tried to include as many of our customers wish
list features as we could! 
These features include:

An assignable effect loop

A bypassable preamp section
(which allows you to use the Prophesy as a stand-alone effect unit with the possibility of
placing effects in your amp head before the input and in the effect loop)
Assignable order of effects
A built-in TUNER which
is engaged by the MUTE button
A Tap button which can
set the tremolo speed and delay time in perfect sinc with each other
Dynamic control of all
Prophesy parameters with the ADSR
Stereo XLR Recording outputs
with adjustable speaker simulation (may be used with the stereo 1/4″ amp outputs
without speaker simulation simultaneously in stereo)
True delay spillover
which allows delay tails to continue after switching to a new preset and delay time
MIDI volume control
that can remain constant from preset to preset
A new larger display
with multiple parameters displayed simultaneously
Quick access to common parameter
pages with the 16 button matrix
Front and rear instrument input

Other features include a visual
representation of the assigned effects signal chain,  preset title, the voicing
(channel) being used, all displayed on the first preset page.  The buttons in the 16
button matrix show the status (in or out) of the fixed effects as well as some of the
assignable effects and allow you to instantly jump to those effects’ parameter pages.
Of course, the Prophesy maintains the
high quality operational features that Rocktron processors are well known for, such as
glitch-free preset switching with no signal drop out or lag time and natural sounding

The 4 voicing’s, or digital “amp
channel” algorithms produce Rocktron’s latest and state-of-the-art distortion tones
which are very “tube amp like” in their feel and dynamics.  The low end
jumps out of the cabinet and the feel on the fret board is just like playing through your
favorite tube amp head!
Hearing is believing, so call or visit
your nearest Rocktron dealer today to check out what is destined to become the finest
digital guitar preamp in the world today!

SPECIFICATIONS: Input impedance 470K ohms, output
impedance <150 ohms, maximum input/output level +20dBu, MIDI
in 7 pin DIN, MIDI out/thru 5 pin DIN, input jack
1/4″ mono, output jacks 1/4″ left and right, recording output
jacks XLR left and right, power requirements 9VAC / 3.4 amps, dimensions
19″ x 3.5″ x 8″, UL, CSA and CE approved operation
HUSH® is a registered trademark of Rocktron Corporation.
Take a look at the Gainiac, Chameleon® On-line, VooDu Valve™
On-line, Piranha
and the PC Preamp too!

Processing &


Rocktron Product Reviews – TABOO TWIN from Guitar Player magazine

Rocktron Product Reviews – TABOO TWIN from Guitar Player magazine

PC Preamp
from Music & Computers Magazine,
July/August 1998, by Brett Ratner

PC Preamp provides a quick way to plug your guitar or microphone into your PC’s audio
inputs.  Front-panel controls let you dial in EQ, noise reduction, and reverberation.
  The Aux Input knob mixes in an external source, such as a CD player, drum machine
or keyboard.  The button and right switches between clean and distortion modes.

When I first heard about the Rocktron PC Preamp,
my imagination soared. 
     The PC Preamp is a fairly inexpensive device that allows you to
send a guitar, bass, or microphone signal straight into your PC’s 1/8″ stereo
“line” input (usually located on the soundcard). More important, the tone can be
massaged with light compression, reverb, and distortion, plus whatever out-board effects
you choose to feed through the the preamp’s stereo effects loop.
     The advantage  of the PC Preamp  is that it’s a
compact, easy-to-use box that enables you to quickly connect a variety of instruments to a
typical soundcard for hard disk recording. Since it can produce high-quality clean and
distorted guitar sounds, it saves the hassle of micing an amp or cobbling together a shish
kebab of stomp boxes and adapters.  This is Nice when all you want is to do is
experiment with a few riffs in the middle of the night without waking your roommate.
     Out of the Box.  The first thing you notice
about the PC Preamp is that it’s encased in a sturdy metal housing  with the same
vanilla color your computer wears.  This doesn’t exactly inspire the frenetic riffing
that, say, a tweed “59 Bassman would.  On the other hand, it blends nicely with
a desktop setup.  According to the manual, the case is sturdy enough to support a
computer monitor.  A strip of Velcro is also provided in case you want to stick the
unit to the side of your tower.
     Setting up is simple: Plug your guitar or microphone into the
front and use the provided stereo 1/8” molded cable to feed the output into your
soundcard or your Mac’s line-in jack.  Take the included PowerTracks Pro Audio CD-ROM
(PC only; Mac users will have to provide their own software) and follow the installation
instructions.  The software allows you to record up to 48 tracks of digital audio on
your hard drive, so you’ll be rockin’ in no time.
     The control knobs are straightforward as well: gain, shape (EQ
curve), HUSH threshold (Rocktron’s proprietary noise reduction), preamp level, reverb
level, aux. input level, and a clean/distortion switch.  Anyone familiar with more
complicated guitar or studio equipment already knows by this point that the sounds you’ll
get out of the box are basically preset.  The tradeoff is that you turn the thing on
and a perfectly acceptable tone emanates from your computer speakers (and of course,
adjusting your guitars tone controls, selecting different pickups, and using your volume
control to lighten distortion adds quite a bit of tone versatility).
     Sounds.  The distortion is a saturated,
compressed lead guitar sound with so much sensitivity that you can play and entire solo
using only your left hand.  Twisting the “shape” knob anywhere past 12:00
yielded a “scooped” sound with my humbucking pickups.  Conversely, the 7:00
setting (all the way counter-clockwise) added a really cool midrange whine to leads.
     The clean electric guitar sound was much more refined.  
While I’m not about to toss my ’65 Deluxe Reverb, the Rocktron was surprisingly Fenderish
and bouncy with a nice, light, preset compression.  Foot-switching between clean and
dirty is not an option.  Even while practicing, it’s nice to change sounds without
removing your hands from the guitar.  To avoid this pitfall, I’d suggest plugging in
your favorite stomp box-style distortion, especially if you want a bluesier tone.
     By patching the preamp’s effects send into my Alesis QuadraVerb
and then patching the QuadraVerb’s outputs into the preamp’s 1/4″ stereo
effects-return jack, I effortlessly coaxed some lush textures. 

The preamp’s rear panel sports (left
to right): 1/4″ and 1/8″ stereo outputs for direct connection to a soundcard’s
“line in” jack, left and right RCA Auxiliary audio inputs, a stereo effects
return, and a mono effects send.  The effects loop lets you add additional effects to
the signal by connecting an outboard effects processor between the send and return jacks.

The preamp’s HUSH noise reduction circuit is another highlight.  According to the
manual, in clean mode it provides compression, and in distortion mode it reduces noise.
  My guitar has buzzy pickups, and with the extreme distortion setting provided by
the PC Preamp, my computer speakers sounded like a beehive before I dialed in some HUSH.
  It’s surprisingly transparent:When I held out a note, the noise reduction gradually
kicked in, and when the note naturally ended, there was dead silence.  This is an
especially useful feature if you experience interference from your computer screen.
     Interfacing Options.  I also tested the mic
input with a microphone and the XLR output from an acoustic/electric guitar.  The
response for both seemed even and smooth.  Needless to say, EQ options don’t abound
here, but the didn’t seem overly necessary, either.  Oddly enough, you can engage the
distortion when the microphone is in use, lending to some Nine Inch Nails-esque vocal
     The manual says nothing about running the mic input and electric
guitar input simultaneously, but I tried anyway and found that the mic input is bypassed
when the 1/4″ input is in use.  In other words, PC Preamp can’t also act as a
“PC P.A.”
     since the auxiliary inputs have their own separate volume
control, however, I could simultaneously play guitar while running my CD player through
the aux. ins.  I then tried feeding the output to a pair of headphones (instead of to
my soundcard).  This seemed to work; I quickly dialed up a private mix that allowed
me to jam along with my favorite tunes.
     Adding the computer and included software yielded the full
potential of the unit.  Once I overcame a small user error, I had no trouble making
groovy little multi-track recordings.  The programmable click track kept me in time
and a series of prerecorded .WAV files provided even more opportunities to jam.
     Conclusions.  The PC Preamp’s packaging
reads, “Record your performance in cyberspace!” and “Turn your computer
into a practice amp!”  In other words, this product is clearly designed to be a
practice tool that’s also useful for homespun recordings.  But I’d add that a
songwriter could also make fine demos with it.
     The PC Preamp hits the nail on the head for its intended purpose.
  If you want a wider variety of guitar tones, check out Rocktron’s excellent
rack-mount preamps.  But if you want a convenient, compact, easy-to-use, relatively
inexpensive, all-in-one device that delivers usable – albeit limited – sounds, the PC
Preamp is hard to beat.Brett Ratner (
is a Nashville-based Freelance writer and musician.

Find out more about the PC Preamp!
Copyright © 1998 Music & Computers Magazine.
Article edited for the web.



Rocktron – Products – Stompboxes

Rocktron – Products – Stompboxes requires the Flash Plug-in.

Reaction Series

Reactoin Chorus
Reaction Compressor
Reaction Digital Delay
Reaction Distortion 1
Reaction Dyn. Filter
Reaction HUSH
Reaction Octaver

Reaction Phaser
Reaction Super Booster
Reaction Super Charger
Reaction Tremolo
Reaction Tuner

Boutique Series

Black Rose Octaver
Celestial Delay
Cotton Mouth Fuzz
DreamStar Chorus
Guitar Silencer
Metal Embrace

Sacred Fire Compressor
Third Angel Distortion
Valve Charger
VII Deadly Sins Wah

Classic Series

Austin Gold Overdrive
Big Crush
Deep Blue Chorus
Heart Attack Dyn. Filter
Hypnotic Flange
Metal Planet Distortion

Nitro Tonal Booster
Rampage Distortion
Short Timer Delay
SilverDragon Dist.
Sonic Glory Overdrive
XTuner Pedal
Zombie Distortion

Cyborg Series
Talkbox Series

Cyborg Delay
Cyborg Distortion
Cyborg Reverb
Banshee Talkbox
Banshee Talkbox II

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Rocktron Product Reviews – Egnater TOL50

Rocktron Product Reviews – Egnater TOL50

Egnater by RocktronTOL50 2 x 12 Combo
PRODUCT REVIEWfrom Soundcheck Magazine,
April 1998, by Ira Stylidiotis, translated by Rob Terstall

What can you do, when you’re building the very best amps, but you can only deliver to a small minority of guitarists, due to capacity problems? You look for a powerful partner and celebrate the
beginning of a wonderful friendship!
Most probably, gourmets amongst you soundworshipers will start drooling upon hearing the name Bruce Egnater. Until the beginning of last year the man self-produced his top class tubeamps. But the way it is with garage worksheds, the completion of the amps took a long long time, not to speak of the price of these handmade gems. Egnater decided to join forces with the Rocktron company, and this colaboration is bearing it’s first fruits: the line has broadened, production is in top gear and pricing is surprisingly moderate, considering the high quality.

The TOL 50 combo is available with one or two 12″ speakers. The exterior comes in a very attractive look: oxblood speaker cloth, black covering material and a control panel accessable from the top; all this creating a vintage flair. Workmanship is examplary. To hoist the heavyweight from the floor, the amp features a sturdy grip. Additional grips on the sides wouldn’t have been a bad choice, in my opinion, but maybe this is being qualified by the inclusion of a set of casters.

The combo on review has two Egnater-Pro speakers, presumably produced by Eminence. As an option, you can have Celestions. For reverb, Egnater opted for an Accutronics 3-spring vintage model, tucked away on the bottom of the cab. A generous vent louver allows a look into the inside. Interestingly, the chassis has been mounted vertically, so that the tubes and transformers are parallel to level ground. Four 12AX7 and two EL34 power tubes are perfectly fixed with metal caps and clasps and the horizontal mounting secures examplary protection. This way, down-hanging tubes, that can be damaged all too easily from the outside, are something of the past.

Aside the main switch is a standby-switch with a special feature: you can select 50 or 10 Watt for output power. Channel 1 and channel 2 have separate gain- and mastervolume controls, as well as bright- and boost switches. Additionally, the clean channel allows for a choice of vintage- or a classic american clean character by a voicing switch. The equalizer panel is equipped nobly: aside bass, mid, treble and presence, a so-called density control pays attendance. It is used for tonal volume; the word fatness
hits the nail on the head in describing its duty. In the master section we find a reverb and a fx level/mix control, the latter being of dual duty also. A switch offers the luxury to select between serial and parallel effect modes. In the serial position, the control functions as a master volume; in parallel it controls the effect volume.

Channel selection is manually or by means of an included footswitch. Its dual design lets you also boost each section. Aside a mains jack and an earth switch are connections for the footswitch and an additional reverb switch. Send and return jacks are obligatory, a further jack is titled Slave Out, not to be confused with a recording output, the direct signal from the output stage can be routed from here to sepatate effect- or additional amps systems. A push-pull pot takes care of the signal level, between 0 and -15 dB. An internal and an external speaker jack with impedance selector round off the back panel.

Upon reviewing an amp of this noble category, I obviously apply a different standard and the yardstick lies high. The clean channel first: reduced gain elicits the cleanest possible tones, with incredible punch and clarity, depending on the eq settings. The TOL 50 delivers voluptuous power that makes you feel dizzy. It really frees its power reserves though, when you unleash the mighty bass fundament with the density control and the boost function. Even low volume settings are able to penetrate a block of tenements. The voicing switch offers a drastic change from a vintage character, underlining a raw british sound, to american classic, offering well-measured US-twang. When you set the gain control higher, this channel gently drifts into the crunch department.

The 10 Watt setting rewards you with singing overdrive at endurable loudness. If you want full power, kick in the 50 W mode. Only at the very highest volume, the entire dynamics are being exhausted. Channel two really behaves at reduced gain settings. Even with humbuckers, the keyword is clean, but with enormous power and fatness. But don’t you fret, this channel is not purebred vintage. Until the gain pot reaches its full clockwise position, you’re being taken through the full program of overdrive, saturation and monster tones. The tone controls are highly effective and allow for distinctive nuances. Ever dominating though, is a full, round, punchy tone. No question about it: a tone in a class of its own, a tone that lives and breathes. Bruce Egnater calls it the tone of life, and I think that leaves nothing to be added.
Tube guru Bruce Egnater’s first partnership with Rocktron sets a new standard right off the bat. The TOL 50 presents itself well seasoned, the extraordinary tones come with dynamics and power, seeking their kind.

Sound character:
Sound quality:
Sound diversity:

Rock, Blues, Jazz
very good
very good
very good

Find out more about the TOL50
Article Copyright © 1998 Soundcheck Magazine.Article edited for the web.


Utopia G200B w/Banshee Guitar Floor Processor – Rocktron – Technology for Guitarists

Utopia G200B w/Banshee Guitar Floor Processor – Rocktron – Technology for Guitarists


ProductsPreampsRack Effects & TunerControllersAmplificationStomp Boxes>Talk BoxesBoutique SeriesReaction SeriesClassic & Signature SeriesWah & Expression PedalsFloor ProcessorsSpeaker EnclosuresAccessoriesNewsArtistsPatchbaySupportDealers & DistributorsContactStore

Utopia G200B w/Banshee Talkbox
Rocktron does it again with another world’s first…this time we married a professional guitar system floor unit with a talk box! That’s right, the “Utopia” meets the “Banshee” in this incredibly innovative product that is a tone monster and an effects tool beyond belief!

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Rocktron’s Utopia G200B Professional Guitar System provides an arsenal of tone and effects processing with the added bonus of the Banshee talk box. The G200B is packed with great sounds ready to transform any guitar amplifier into a powerhouse of rock! A new feature previously unavailable in multi-effects floor processing is the inclusion of the world famous Rocktron Banshee Talkbox.Unlike other talk boxes, the G200B talk box allows for digital distortion and effects to be used with the talk box effect allowing you to create new talk box tones and sounds! Simply put the G200B between you and your amp and let your inspiration flow. Rocktron stands alone with amazing tone generation and effects in the G200B – everything you need to create your own signature sound and define a new generation of playing, Play in Utopia where the future is amazing.Incredible tone and awesome sounding effects are at your feet with the Utopia G Series, professional guitar systems. There’s a reason you don’t find Rocktron sounds “modeled” in our competitor’s products…because only Rocktron has them! Find out why Rocktron stands alone with amazing distortion and effects with the Utopia series. We’ve loaded these babies with 64 factory preset sounds and 64 user presets for a total of 128 presets. Everything you need to create your own signature sound has been included: four totally usable channels, 4-band EQ, and full bandwidth effects give you the tools to create awesome high quality tones that will define and complement your individual playing style.Controls include RATE which controls the speed of the LFO waveform used to modulate the delay. DEPTH controls the delay line maximum travel time and intensity; this adjusts the amount of modulation. INTENSITY controls the amount of chorus effect that is added to your signal.Tons of effects, plus a talk box – a Rocktron exclusive! Unlike other Banshee talk boxes in the Rocktron product range, the Utopia G200B talk box makes use of the internal presets of the G200B. Different distortions and effects can be used with the talk box to create new and different tones and sounds.The Utopia series is easy to use and operate. Fully programmable, the G Series features easy-to-read Cool Blue LCD Display, (no cryptic tables to decipher or matrix-led crossword puzzles – just plain easy). Not merely a plastic toy, the Utopia G Series are built with a rugged metal chassis and roadworthy professional grade expression control pedal made from metal!Channel selections allow awesome tones (Clean, Texas, British and Mega). Pre-effects include wah, phaser, compressor. Post effects include chorus, flanger, pitch shift, tremolo, delay and reverb. You also get Rocktron exclusives like our state-of-the-art Speaker Simulator (for the best recording you can get), Variac (tube sag emulation) and HUSH® noise reduction.

Input Impedance:  1M OhmMaximum Input:  Level 0 dBuInput Jack:  ¼” monoMaximum Output Level:  +4 dBuOutput Jacks:  ¼” Left and Right.Headphone Jack:  1/8″ Stereo (Load Impedance 32 Ohm Min)Aux Input Jack:  1/8″ StereoPower Requirements:  9VAC / 2.9A min. Dimensions:  With toe of expression pedal down 18 3/4″ Wide x 9″ Deep x 3 1/4″ Tall 477mm Wide x 228mm Deep x 83mm Tall – With toe of expression pedal up 18 3/4″ Wide x 9″ Deep x 4 7/8″ Tall 477mm Wide x 228mm Deep x 124mm TallWeight: 6lbs, 2.72kg

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Site design by Second Son Solutions. 




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Currently available Rocktron User Manuals:


Chameleon – On-Line, ZIP File
VooDu Valve – On-Line, ZIP File
Piranha – On-Line, ZIP File


Intellifex LTD – On-Line, ZIP File
Replifex – On-Line, ZIP File

Midi Controllers

MIDI Mate – On-Line, ZIP File
All Access – On-Line, ZIP File
Patch Mate – On-Line, ZIP File

Processing & Specialty

Guitar Silencer – On-Line, ZIP File

Power Amps

Velocity 120 – On-Line, ZIP File
Velocity 250 – On-Line, ZIP File

Speaker Cabs

S112 Cabinet – On-Line, ZIP File
SE112 Cabinet – On-Line, ZIP File

Combo Amps

Velocity VT60 – On-Line, ZIP File

Intellifex LTD®, Replifex® and Chameleon® are registered trademarks of Rocktron Corporation.VooDu Valve™, Piranha™ and All Access™ are trademarks of Rocktron Corporation.

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Utopia B100 Bass Floor Processor – Rocktron – Technology for Guitarists

Utopia B100 Bass Floor Processor – Rocktron – Technology for Guitarists


ProductsPreampsRack Effects & TunerControllersAmplificationStomp Boxes>Talk BoxesBoutique SeriesReaction SeriesClassic & Signature SeriesWah & Expression PedalsFloor ProcessorsSpeaker EnclosuresAccessoriesNewsArtistsPatchbaySupportDealers & DistributorsContactStore

Utopia B100
Bass players asked for it, and Rocktron delivers!!! Great tones for bass, incredible bass effects, professional grade expression pedal made from metal, and an easy-to-use design that will blow you away!

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Rocktron’s Utopia B100 Professional Bass Guitar System provides an arsenal of tone and effects processing. The B100 is packed with plenty of great sounds ready to transform any bass amplifier into a Powerhouse of Rock. Simply put the B100 between you and your amp and let your inspiration flow! Rocktron stands alone with amazing tone generation and effects in the B100 – everything you need to create your own signature sound and define a new generation of playing.Play in Utopia where the future is amazing.Easy to use and operateMotorola® 24 Bit DSP EngineFour channels of tone (CLEAN, DIST1, DIST2 and DIST3) with 128 preset sounds (64 factory preset sounds and 64 user preset sounds)4 BAND EQFull bandwidth effects. Pre-effects include wah, phaser, compressor. Post effects include chorus, flanger, tremolo, pitch shift, delay, reverb.Rugged professional grade chassis and expression control pedal made from metal.Rocktron exclusives include state-of-the-art Speaker Exciter (for ultimate live and recording capabilities)Variac (tube sag emulation) and HUSH® noise reduction.Easy to read Cool Blue LCD display.Fully programmable.Stereo Outputs.

Input Impedance:  1M OhmMaximum Input:  Level 0 dBuInput Jack:  ¼” monoMaximum Output Level:  +4 dBuOutput Jacks:  ¼” Left and Right.Headphone Jack:  1/8″ Stereo (Load Impedance 32 Ohm Min)Aux Input Jack:  1/8″ StereoPower Requirements:  9VAC / 2.0ADimensions:  With toe of expression pedal down 15 1/8″ Wide x 9″ Deep x 3 1/4″ Tall 387mm Wide x 228mm Deep x 83mm Tall – With toe of expression pedal up 15 1/8″ Wide x 9″ Deep x 4 7/8″ Tall 387mm Wide x 228mm Deep x 124mm Tall

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Copyright ©2013 Rocktron – a division of GHS Corporation | 800-388-4447 |

Site design by Second Son Solutions. 

Utopia B300 Bass Floor Processor – Rocktron – Technology for Guitarists

Utopia B300 Bass Floor Processor – Rocktron – Technology for Guitarists


ProductsPreampsRack Effects & TunerControllersAmplificationStomp Boxes>Talk BoxesBoutique SeriesReaction SeriesClassic & Signature SeriesWah & Expression PedalsFloor ProcessorsSpeaker EnclosuresAccessoriesNewsArtistsPatchbaySupportDealers & DistributorsContactStore

Utopia B300
Bass players can rejoice as Rocktron answers the call with the Utopia B Series Professional Guitar Systems. The Utopia B Series unleashes an arsenal of tone and effects processing and each model is packed with plenty of great sounds ready to transform any bass amplifier into a Powerhouse of Rock.

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Simply put a Utopia between you and your amp and let your inspiration flow! Find out why Rocktron stands alone with amazing tone generation and effects in the Utopia B series – everything you need to create your own signature sound and define a new generation of playing. Play in Utopia where the future is amazing!

We’ve loaded these babies with a total of 128 presets. Everything you need to create your own signature sound has been included: four totally usable channels, 4-band EQ, and full bandwidth effects give you the tools to create awesome high quality tones that will define and complement your individual playing style.The Utopia series is easy to use and operate. Fully programmable, the B Series features easy-to-read Cool Blue LCD Display, (no cryptic tables to decipher or matrix-led crossword puzzles – just plain easy). Not merely a plastic toy, the Utopia B Series are built with a rugged metal chassis and roadworthy professional grade expression control pedal made from metal!Each Utopia B Series model provides four channels of awesome tone. Rocktron’s pristine full bandwidth effects will rock your world. Pre-effects include wah, phaser, compressor. Post effects include chorus, 

flanger, pitch shift, tremolo, delay and reverb. You also get Rocktron exclusives like our state-of-the-art Speaker Exciter (for ultimate live and recording capabilities), Variac (tube sag emulation) and HUSH® noise reduction.All models in the Utopia B Series include:Motorola® 24 Bit DSP Engine with AKM ConvertersFull bandwidth effectsStereo outputsHeavy Duty Headphone Output (1/8 stereo phone)Auxiliary (MP3/CD/iPOD) Input (1/8 stereo phone)Rugged professional grade chassis and expression pedal made from metalPower supply            

Utopia B300 Video Demos with Dave Pomeroy
Utopia B300 Overview

Utopia B300 Audition

Utopia B300 Player Tips

Input Impedance:  1M OhmMaximum Input:  Level 0 dBuInput Jack:  ¼” monoMaximum Output Level:  +4 dBuOutput Jacks:  ¼” Left and Right.Headphone Jack:  1/8″ Stereo (Load Impedance 32 Ohm Min)Aux Input Jack:  1/8″ StereoPower Requirements:  9VAC / 2.9A min. Dimensions:  With toe of expression pedal down – 20 1/4″ Wide x 9″ Deep x 3 1/4″ Tall, 510mm Wide x 228mm Deep x 83mm Tall.  With toe of expression pedal up: 20 1/4″ Wide x 9″ Deep x 4 7/8″ Tall, 510mm Wide x 228mm Deep x 124mm TallWeight: 8.5lbs, 3.85kg

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For nearly 20 years, Rocktron has helped the
greatest players of our times produce the best sound. Our digital preamps and effects
units have been heard on countless recordings and on endless tours. Now, with our new
RepliTone combo amps you will find the most incredible “rack-clone” sound ever
heard. Get the sounds the players get with a powerful DSP combo amp that models the
artists, not just the amps.All the best tones are
here from Rocktron’s powerful preamps. DSP effects in the RepliTones are based on
Rocktron’s award-winning Intellifex , the world-standard effects processor for
professional guitar players.
The RepliTone series features our latest breakthrough
Digital Tube Replication technology (DTR ) to accomplish an astounding job of replicating
the artists and their many vintage and modern amplifiers. The RepliTones will bring
Tweeds, Plexi’s, Fuzz Tones, Jazz Tones as well as Thrash, Class A, 70’s Style
and many more with ease. Each replication features all of the dynamic characteristics of
the original tones including EQ, gain structure and attack dynamics, (or to put it in
guitar player language – “The FEEL of the REAL THING”).

Key Features:
Features Rocktron’s new DTR Technology
HUSH® noise Reduction
30 Programmable presets w/MIDI Interface
Stereo 24-bit Digital effects
16 Vintage and Modern Amplifier Replications
60 Watts (per side on 212)
Tap Tempo Delay and Trem Rate
Stereo Headphone Output with Speaker Simulator
Traditional Look and operation
Real amplifier controls
Dozens of effect configurations

The RepliTone series features a programmable 24-bit DSP
effect section with effects such as delays, choruses, flange, phaser, compressor, wah,
tremolo, rotary speaker and reverb. Dialing in just a right amount of effect is made easy
by using the Effect Select knob to select the effect and adjusting the Effect
Adjust knob to modify it. Delay time or Trem Rate can be set on the fly with the Delay
Time and Rate buttons. 30 MIDI programmable presets (which can be switched via
any MIDI controller or by an optional 4-button footswitch) and stereo effect loop make it
very easy to use tons of tones in any live situation.
The studio is also a perfect place for the RepliTone amps.
Not only can you achieve almost any tone you want, you can use the Headphone output with
speaker simulation to run the RepliTone amps direct IN STEREO!
The controls of the RepliTones are laid out in a
traditional amp style with knobs for adjusting Bass, Mid, Treble, Gain and Volume.
Additional controls for Effect Adjust, Reverb Level, and Delay Level make it extremely
simple to use and adjust in those real critical moments on stage!

Rocktron Taboo Amplification – TABOO TWIN

Rocktron Taboo Amplification – TABOO TWIN

TABOO™ 100DSP Amp Head

There’s a lot of talk these days about digital modeling amps. Let’s face it, what modeling really consists of are preset sounds intended to imitate other amplifiers. When Rocktron decided to make the ultimate DSP amps, we opted not to follow the trend of mocking the greatness of the amps from the past, but to break new ground for the amps of tomorrow.

Our new TABOO amps employ Rocktron’s latest in digital and tube technology. We have combined the power of the most advanced DSP engin by Motorola®, and the warmth found only in the popular 12AX7 tube to produce the finest possible guitar tones. TABOO brings decades of experience with professional preamps, effects systems and power amplification into a single package of awesome power, performance and sound quality.

The TABOO contains the most advanced EQ available on a guitar amp today, including Pre and Post distortion EQ and an awesome analog Global EQ circuit for achieving a bigger-than-life tone even at low volumes. Whether live on stage, or recording, mic free operation is simple with the stereo XLR outputs. With rocktron’s famous cabinet simulator circuitry on both the TABOO TWIN and TABOO 100, direct recording is the first choice for even the most finicky studio engineers.

We have also included a very user-friendly interface that Guitar Player Magazine describes as “a masterpiece of functional elegance.” Actual knobs for real amp control including: Bass, Mid, Mid Frequency, Treble, Effect Level, Delay Level, Reverb Level, Input/Output Level and of course Gain. Activating/deactivativating effects is as simple as pressing the button marked with the desired effect such as Phaser, Flanger, Pitch, Tremolo, Wah, Chorus, Delay and Reverb! It’s that easy, no hassles of having to scroll through annoying and confusing menus of different effect algorithms (advanced mode allows more parameter adjustment for effect modification.)

The Tap Tempo button located on the front panel (and footswitch jack on the back) allows the player to adjust the delay time to the tempo of the song for an absolute professional sounding performance.

The TABOO series is loaded. You can tweak parameters to your heart’s content, or just go for it with no tweaking at all. Expert EQ parameters and in-depth effect parameters allow elaborate signal path configurations and precise control from the 128 factory presets, all of which can be user modified. Instant MIDI control is available including program changes, controller changes and SYSEX dump/load capabilities.

The TABOO TWIN and TABOO 2×12 extension cabinets, both feature a closed (removable) back design to produce a well focused yet spread out spectrum of sonic brilliance. The TABOO 4×12 extension cabinet features for of our custom designed 75-watt Eminence speakers. The TABOO extension cabinets share the same look and durability of the TABOO TWIN and TABOO 100.

Hear a RealAudio demo of the Taboo Twin!Choose your modem speed – 28.8K or 56K
Audio demo courtesy of Germany’s Sound Check Magazine.
If you don’t have the RealPlayer 5.0, then GET IT NOW!
To learn about the Taboo Twin in greater detail, you may view the user manual.

You may also read Guitar Player Magazine’s review on the Taboo Twin.



Power Output:
Input Impedance:
Maximum Input Level:
Input Jack:
Full Range Output:
Global EQ:
Tube Replacement:
MIDI Thru/Out:
Power Requirements:

100 watts — 50 watts per channel @ 8 ohms
470K ohms
XLR Balanced/Speaker Simulated
Bass: ±10dB Treble: ±10dB
4 amp, slow blow
7-pin DIN
5-pin DIN



30 3/4″ x 20 1/8″ x 10 3/4″
(2) 75-watt dustom designed 12″ 8ohm Eminence


Speaker Outputs:

30″ x 10 3/4″ x 10 3/4″
(2) 1/4″ Jacks

Taboo Twin™ and Taboo 100™ are trademarks of Rocktron Corporation.

Velocity Amplification
Processing & Specialty
Midi Controllers
Stomp Boxes
Taboo Amplification
Speaker Cabs

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