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ALL ACCESS LTD (Limited Edition)
You asked, and now Rocktron has delivered! All Access® in black, complete with included expression pedal (Rocktron’s Hex), cable, and special plate allowing you to shift the pedal while it remains locked to the unit. Get one now because production will be limited.

When you need to go pro, choose THE MOST professional stage foot controller, the Rocktron All Access. This is the world’s most advanced controller, used on more pro tours than any other.

Having evolved from the earlier “Rocktron/Bradshaw” units, the Rocktron All Access is the professional standard.

More rugged and more powerful, the All Access again proves that Rocktron is the leader in technology for guitar players. The All Access as a stand-alone foot controller can be completely customized for your gear requirements. It can be set up to your specs in three operating modes: Bank Mode, Song Mode and Remote Mode.

The Bank Mode has 120 presets and each instant switch can be set up global or per preset. Customize set-up as either 24 banks of 5 presets with 10 “instant” switches (effect on/off); or 12 banks of 10 presets with 5 instant switches (effect on/off); or 8 banks of 15 presets with no instant switches set up. All 15 access switches can also be set up to “instant”, operating as a huge instant access “pedal board”.

Buy the All Access LTD from an online dealer. Select below to purchase.

Song Mode allows up to 150 songs to be stored with 15 presets per song. The 10 sets allow placement of 50 songs per set.

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Remote mode automatically programs the footswitch to match Rocktron remote-compatible units. Titles and individual switch functions will automatically program and continuously update themselves on both the rack unit and the All Access foot controller. Functions like tap delay, mute, boost and effects on/off instantly appear when connected to a Rocktron remote jack without any programming.

Other All Access features include 18 metal Switches for positive tactile feel and long life; large 16 character fluorescent display for custom titles and easy programming and clear visual on any stage; LED indicators that light for every switch at all times as an on/off status indicator and a dimly lit preset number (all 18 switches) so stage blackouts will not hinder pedal operations; seven pin MIDI Out jack to allow phantom powering from your rack; 120 presets which can include over 36 MIDI commands per preset to be transmitted amongst the 16 MIDI channels including “toggling” control change commands; MIDI filtering, dump/load, SysEx, select 0-127 or 1-128 transmit operation; and the fast, easy copy function allows you to copy any preset, bank, song, or set to another respectfully.

Dimensions: 15.5″ wide x 10.5″ deep x 3.5″ tall (not including HEX expression pedal)
Weight: 18 lbs (including expression pedal)
Power requirements: 9VAC/1500mA • UL and CSA approved operation.