Exploring the Principles of Harmony in Music

How to Make Music: 9 Steps for Every Beginner

Creating music is akin to painting on an audio canvas. For beginners, understanding the principles of harmony is crucial, as it forms the backbone of musical composition. Harmony refers to the combination of different musical notes played or sung simultaneously to produce a pleasing sound. By understanding its nuances, one can create melodies that resonate deeply with listeners. This blog post will explore the principles of harmony in music, taking you through historical shifts, from the rise of the intervals of the third and the sixth to new uses of dissonance.

Rise of the Intervals of the Third and the Sixth

In the context of Western music, the intervals of the third and sixth have played a significant role in shaping harmony. Historically, medieval and Renaissance music emphasized perfect intervals like fourths and fifths. As music evolved during the late Renaissance and early Baroque periods, the significance of thirds and sixths began to rise. These intervals provided a richer harmonic palette and allowed for more emotional expression. The transition wasn’t instantaneous but gradual. Composers began incorporating more thirds and sixths into their pieces, realizing these intervals enriched the harmonic structure, making it more complex and expressive. The consonance of these intervals contrasted with the starkness of perfect fourths and fifths, appealing to the auditory senses more soothingly and emotionally. This shift marked the first steps toward the lush harmonies of later classical and romantic music. The significance of this change can’t be overstated. By integrating thirds and sixths, composers could explore new harmonic progressions and chord structures. This development laid the groundwork for many harmonic techniques still in use today. Understanding the importance of these intervals provides a historical perspective that informs modern music composition and analysis.

The Weakening of the Modes

Modes were the bedrock of early Western music, providing a framework for melody and harmony. Each mode could be thought of as a different scale, with its own unique mood and emotional effect. However, as Western music evolved, the strict adherence to modal frameworks began to weaken. This evolution was driven by the need for more flexible and expressive harmonic language. The weakening of the modes can be directly associated with the rise of tonal harmony and the major-minor system that dominates Western music today. Composers began to favor the dynamic and flexible nature of this system over the modal construct. The major and minor scales allowed for more nuanced harmonic progressions and a broader range of emotional expression. This shift didn’t mean the modes disappeared altogether; rather, they became another tool in a composer’s toolkit. By understanding and diverging from modal restrictions, composers were able to innovate, creating pieces that could evoke more complex and varied emotions. This movement towards a more free-form harmonic language was essential for the development of Western music.

New Uses of Dissonance

Dissonance refers to the combination of tones that clash, creating a sense of tension in music. For centuries, dissonance was carefully controlled and resolved to consonance, adhering to strict compositional rules. In more recent history, however, dissonance has taken on new roles, becoming an essential component of modern harmony. The dramatic use of dissonance helped composers express tension, conflict, and emotional depth in their music. Composers like Igor Stravinsky and Arnold Schoenberg pushed the boundaries of dissonance, exploring its potential as a primary harmonic force rather than a resolved tension. This approach allowed for greater emotional versatility and complexity in musical compositions. Modern styles such as jazz, rock, and experimental music also incorporate dissonance innovatively. Jazz musicians, for instance, often use dissonant chords and progressions as a fundamental part of their sound, creating a rich tapestry of tension and resolution. This modern use of dissonance has expanded the harmonic possibilities available to composers, allowing them to explore uncharted emotional and sonic territories.

Principle Details
Rise of the Intervals of the Third and the Sixth The emergence of thirds and sixths enriched harmonic structures, allowing for more emotional expression and complex chord progressions.
The Weakening of the Modes Transition from modal frameworks to the major-minor system provided greater flexibility and emotional range in compositions.
New Uses of Dissonance Dissonance began to be used as a primary harmonic force, providing tension and conflict to express complex emotions in modern music.

Crafting Melodies: A Beginner’s Guide to Writing Your First Song

Writing a song can be an exhilarating experience, offering an outlet for emotion, creativity, and storytelling. However, getting those lyrics and melodies just right isn’t always easy. In this guide, we’ll explore what makes songwriting so challenging and why it is so crucial. We’ll dive into practical tips on how to write a song, provide 50 inspiring prompts to help overcome writer’s block, and suggest resources for learning the craft. Whether you’re a seasoned musician or a budding songwriter, this article aims to give you the tools and inspiration you need to write songs that resonate. “`html

50 Songwriting Prompts to Overcome Writer’s Block

“` Even the best songwriters can hit a creative wall from time to time. To help spark your creativity, here are 50 songwriting prompts that can serve as starting points for new compositions. Some prompts focus on lyrical themes, others on musical elements: 1. Write a song about a childhood memory. 2. Compose a tune inspired by your favorite book or movie. 3. Write a song from the perspective of the moon. 4. Create a love song without using the word “love.” 5. Describe a rainy day using only acoustic instruments. 6. Write a song about a journey without mentioning any form of transportation. 7. Create a melody using only pentatonic scales. 8. Write lyrics based on a phone conversation. 9. Describe your worst fear in song form. 10. Create a song incorporating elements of two different genres. Feel free to mix and match these prompts or expand on them further. The key is to get started and let your creativity flow. “`html

Why is Songwriting so Hard?

“` Songwriting can be incredibly challenging, often because it demands a unique blend of technical skill and emotional honesty. Unlike writing a poem or short story, a song marries lyrics with melody, harmony, and often rhythm. This multidimensional approach requires an understanding of music theory as well as an ear for what sounds good. Additionally, the emotional aspect of songwriting cannot be understated. Many songwriters struggle with opening up in their lyrics, perhaps fearing judgment or vulnerability. This emotional barrier can make it difficult to translate feelings into words and melodies. Moreover, the pressure to create something original and compelling can be daunting, particularly with so much existing music out there. “`html

How to Write a Song

“` Writing a song involves several steps, starting with finding inspiration and deciding on a theme. Once you have a basic idea, you can start drafting lyrics, focusing on the structure of verses, choruses, and possibly a bridge. Lyrics should be meaningful and catchy without being overly complex. Next comes the musical composition. This can start with a basic chord progression or melody line. Experiment with different harmonies, rhythms, and tempos to see what complements the lyrics. Many songwriters use instruments like the guitar or piano to flesh out their ideas at this stage. Finally, refine and polish your song. Record a rough demo and listen critically. Make adjustments to lyrics, melody, or harmony as needed. Collaborating with other musicians can provide valuable feedback and new perspectives. “`html

Why is Songwriting So Important?

“` Songwriting is not just an artistic endeavor but also a powerful form of expression and communication. It allows artists to connect with their audience on a deep emotional level, often capturing feelings, experiences, and narratives that resonate widely. Songs can inspire, heal, and bring people together. Moreover, songwriting often reflects the culture and era in which it is created. It serves as a historical and social record, documenting everything from personal stories to political movements. The emotional universality of music can bridge gaps between different cultures and backgrounds, fostering a sense of shared human experience. “`html

Where to Learn Songwriting

“` Fortunately, there are numerous resources available for those looking to improve their songwriting skills. Online courses and workshops are excellent starting points. Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and MasterClass offer courses taught by renowned songwriters. These classes typically cover various aspects of songwriting, from lyric writing to composing and arranging. Books and eBooks are also valuable resources. Titles like “Writing Better Lyrics” by Pat Pattison and “The Addiction Formula” by Friedemann Findeisen offer insights into the technical and creative aspects of songwriting. Additionally, joining songwriting groups or forums online can provide community support and feedback. For those who prefer hands-on learning, attending songwriting camps or local workshops can be invaluable. Many cities have music schools or community centers that offer songwriting classes. “`html

Final Thoughts on How to Write a Song

“` Songwriting is a journey that combines technical skills with emotional depth. While it can be challenging, the rewards are immeasurable. Start small, using prompts and exercises to overcome writer’s block, and gradually build your skills through practice and education. Always remember the profound impact your songs can have, both on you and on your listeners. Keep writing, keep experimenting, and most importantly, keep sharing your unique voice with the world. Here’s a summary of the content: “`html

Section Description
50 Songwriting Prompts to Overcome Writer’s Block Provides 50 creative prompts to inspire songwriting.
Why is Songwriting so Hard? Discusses the technical and emotional challenges of songwriting.
How to Write a Song Outlines the steps involved in writing a song, from inspiration to composition.
Why is Songwriting So Important? Explores the emotional and cultural significance of songwriting.
Where to Learn Songwriting Offers resources and suggestions for learning songwriting.
Final Thoughts on How to Write a Song Summarizes the importance and rewards of songwriting.


Mastering the Keys: A Beginner’s Guide to Learning Piano


Introduction: 7 Steps to Learn How to Play Piano

Learning to play the piano is an enriching journey that combines the beauty of music with the excitement of mastering a new skill. Whether you’re a complete novice or someone looking to refresh your skills, this guide lays out a comprehensive, step-by-step plan to get you started. By breaking down the learning process into seven manageable steps, you’ll go from understanding basic notes to playing simple melodies and connecting your musical knowledge efficiently. Each step builds upon the previous one, creating a structured path to help you make steady progress. By the end of this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to start your piano-playing adventure confidently and enthusiastically.

Step 1: Getting Familiar With Your Notes

Before you even touch the piano keys, it’s crucial to understand the fundamental building blocks of music: notes. The musical alphabet consists of seven core notes: A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. These notes repeat in cycles, creating different octaves. Learning to recognize these notes on sheet music is your first step toward comprehending melody, harmony, and rhythm. To memorize these notes, consider utilizing flashcards or music theory apps that quiz you. An understanding of both treble and bass clefs is also important. The treble clef (G clef) generally represents the higher notes you play with your right hand, while the bass clef (F clef) covers the lower notes for your left hand. Investing this initial time in learning notes will make the next steps much more straightforward and rewarding.

Step 2: Getting Familiar With the Piano Keys

Once you grasp the notes, the next step is to acquaint yourself with the piano keyboard. There are 88 keys on a standard piano, but they all repeat in the pattern of the white and black keys representing different notes in the octave. The white keys correspond to the natural notes (A to G), and the black keys represent the sharps and flats. Start by identifying ‘Middle C,’ which is roughly in the center of your keyboard. Knowing where Middle C is will help you locate other notes more easily since it acts as a reference point. Spend some time familiarizing yourself with the layout of octaves and where each note is positioned in both higher and lower registers. Learning the pattern of black and white keys will aid muscle memory and help you intuitively find notes without constantly looking down.

Step 3: Playing Do-Re-Mi

Now that you’re familiar with your notes and keys, it’s time to start playing some basic melodies, such as “Do-Re-Mi.” This simple exercise helps you connect the theoretical knowledge with practical application. Do-Re-Mi corresponds to the C major scale: C, D, E, F, G, A, B, and C. Start by using just one hand, usually the right, and play each note sequentially. Playing slowly at first ensures that you are hitting the correct keys and getting used to the feel of the piano. After you’re comfortable with one hand, introduce the left hand by playing the same notes but in a different register, either an octave lower or higher.

Step 4: Picking It Up a Bit

Once you’ve mastered Do-Re-Mi, it’s time to introduce slightly more complex pieces, like simple songs or short classical pieces, such as ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’ or Beethoven’s ‘Ode to Joy’. These tunes often have repetitive patterns, which can make learning easier while still being challenging enough to push your skills forward. At this stage, it’s beneficial to practice hand coordination by playing the left hand’s bass notes while your right hand handles the melody. This practice enhances your ability to multitask and integrates both hands, preparing you for more advanced compositions in the future. Take your time, and don’t rush. Consistent practice is the key to improvement.

Step 5: Music Notes and Timing

Understanding the timing and rhythm of music is crucial in playing the piano effectively. Sheet music is organized in measures, each containing a specific number of beats dictated by the time signature (most commonly 4/4 time). Notes can be whole, half, quarter, eighth, and so on, each having different beat values. Utilize a metronome to help keep time as you practice. A metronome can guide your tempo, helping you maintain a consistent speed. Start slow and gradually increase the tempo as you become more comfortable. Learning to count and keep time ensures that you can play pieces as they were intended, with the correct pacing and rhythm.

Step 6: Connecting the Notes

Now that you have a handle on notes, keys, and timing, the next logical step is to learn how to connect these elements into fluid playing. This process involves understanding legato (smooth and connected notes) and staccato (short and detached notes). Practicing scales and arpeggios can significantly improve your fluidity and hand coordination. One useful exercise is to play scales in both ascending and descending orders, making sure each note transitions smoothly to the next. Arpeggios, which involve playing the notes of a chord in succession rather than simultaneously, can also help. These exercises will develop your dexterity and help you handle more intricate pieces of music with ease.

Step 7: Review and Practice

Reviewing what you’ve learned and maintaining a regular practice schedule is the final, but ongoing, step in your piano-learning journey. Consistency, more than anything, is crucial. Set daily or weekly practice goals and stick to them, ensuring you focus on areas that need improvement as well as reinforcing concepts you’ve already mastered. Joining a community or finding a piano buddy can also keep you motivated. Feedback from others can offer new insights and corrections you may not have noticed. Remember, everyone progresses at their own pace, and the key is to enjoy your journey as much as the destination.

Next Steps

Step Description
Step 1 Getting familiar with musical notes and the musical alphabet from A to G, including treble and bass clefs.
Step 2 Understanding the layout of the piano keys, identifying octaves and Middle C as a reference point.
Step 3 Playing the Do-Re-Mi sequence to connect theoretical note knowledge with piano keys.
Step 4 Practicing simple songs to enhance hand coordination and playing fluency.
Step 5 Learning about music notes, timing, and using a metronome for consistent rhythm.
Step 6 Connecting notes smoothly through practicing scales and arpeggios.
Step 7 Reviewing and consistently practicing to reinforce learning and improve skills.


Patchbay MIDI Preset Exchange – Rocktron – Technology for Guitarists

Patchbay MIDI Preset Exchange – Rocktron – Technology for Guitarists


ProductsPreampsRack Effects & TunerControllersAmplificationStomp Boxes>Talk BoxesBoutique SeriesReaction SeriesClassic & Signature SeriesWah & Expression PedalsFloor ProcessorsSpeaker EnclosuresAccessoriesNewsArtistsPatchbaySupportDealers & DistributorsContactStore

Dock your MIDI ship here and consider this your port-of-call for new presets.
Rocktron’s Patch Bay is the worlds first internet preset exchange for guitar & bass players!  The Patchbay features factory presets as well as submissions from Rocktron users.  For detailed information on the Patch Bay and requirements for it’s use, please select a “Patchbay”

Chameleon Patchbay

Intellifex Patchbay

Prophesy Patchbay

Replifex Patchbay

Replitone Patchbay

Taboo Artist Patchbay

VooDu Valve Patchbay

Share your Rocktron gear presets here!
You can use a MIDI Sysex utility like MIDI-OX for PC or Snoize SysEx Librarian for Mac to transfer presets to and from your Rocktron gear. Please visit www.midiox.com (PC) or www.snoize.com (Mac) for their latest software.Downloading:You may download preset.zip files from our Patch Bay for the Rocktron unit you own.Unzip the preset.zip file. The preset zip file will contain files with the extension .syx. These are individual presets that may be loaded into your unit one at a time to the preset location of your choice.Follow the instructions in your Rocktron User’s Manual for the MIDI DUMP/LOAD Function of your Rocktron unit .  Treat your MIDI utility program like the sequencer in the step-by-step instructions in your Manual.  NOTE: You can also use your MIDI utility to archive all your custom presets by performing a bulk dump to your computer.Uploading:Use the form to the right to send your custom presets, or attach your preset.zip file to an email and send to patchbay@rocktron.com.  Remember to describe your presets and include any other information you’d like to share. 

Select your Rocktron product: *

VooDu Valve
Blue Thunder
Utopia G200
Utopia G200B
Utopia G300
Utopia B100
Utopia B200
Utopia B300
Taboo Artist

Attach your preset.zip file *

Max file size: 20MB

Describe your presets *



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Copyright ©2013 Rocktron – a division of GHS Corporation | 800-388-4447 | info@rocktron.com

Site design by Second Son Solutions. 

Rocktron – Patchbay: Voodu Valve

Rocktron – Patchbay: Voodu Valve

Rocktron.com requires the Flash Plug-in.

Rocktron.com requires the Flash Plug-in.



Voodu Valve Presets


Submitted by: Pierre Laforge from Paris (France) – Here is one of my presets used for direct recording to my computer (the HP sim is ON). This one is a rythm sound with a lot of distortion / do not hesitate to bring down the volume on your guitar to get a smoother sound. Pierre Laforge – www.myspace.com/pierrelaforge

Submitted by: Morris Jones, B’ham, AL – Scopions or any other 70 and 80’s band. Take off the effects for dry effect.

Submitted by: Morris Jones, B’ham, AL – Here is a new Satch lead sound for direct recording for the Voodu Patch Bay.

Here is a ptach I dialed in for the rhythm sound on Queensryche’s. “Operation Mindcrime” album. A sample of this patchcan be heard here: http://www.carltonec.com/mp3/ssr1.mp3

Submitted by: Carlton E Chase – Here is a patch I did that sounds like the rhythm tone in the song “TheWhisper” by Queensryche.

Submitted by: Ron – Marsall, AR – This is as close to Nickelback tone.as I could get. The tone I was after is from their Long Road album. The guitar used to emulate this tone was a Gibson SG with heavy string in key of D with drop C. String sizes are from 6th down: 52 – 44 – 30 – 17 – 13 – 11. VooDu Valve was connected direct to an Alesis 8FX mixer with EQ set flat then connected to an M-Audio Delta 2496 sound card in PC.

Don’t know how this sounds thru other audio equipment. I have a sample MP3 I recorded on this link. http://www.rbtek.com/sample/nb.mp3

Submitted by: Nick, Eastpointe, MI – This is a full bank of sounds, some I created and many I borrowed.
• voodu-nik.xls
• voodu-nik.syx

Submitted by: Colin – These are some Incubus type sounds.
• warmthmid.syx
• warmthintro.syx
• thewarmth.syx

Submitted by: Colin
• scoobytrem.syx
• betterunder.syx

Submitted by: Hugb
• hugb.syx

Submitted by: Eric from Massy, France – Please find attached two Voodu Valve patches for U2 “Mysterious Ways” song (humbuckers appreciated for this song).
• U2-1.syx
• U2-2.syx

Submitted by ko ch’ang soo who describes this preset as Megadeth’s Youthanasia.
• youthanasia.syx

Submitted by: ko ch’ang soo who describes this preset as a good solo tone.
• guitar-solo.syx

Submitted by: tommy metal thailand – It is my best preset. I like heavy metal.
• evil-r.syx

Submitted by Faker Flex: – That are my patches. I have the patches 1-127.
• fakerflex.syx

Submitted by Tsiroulis, Athens HELLAS: Here is a rythm/lead preset. (I use an ESP KH2 guitar, a rocktron VooDu Valve preamp, a rocktron Velocity120 amp and 2 rocktron speakers)
• athens.syx

Hi here’s an update of my previous In Flames patch! This patch contains the original In Flames patch I created and a new Patch that’s very close to Children Of Bodom’s sound,a truly amazing finish metal band! check them out! I like this patch better than the In Flames patch and is now my main rhythm sound!

• metal1.syx

These presets came to us from Dan in Romania, he writes: “I send the presets used by me, witch are very useful for direct recording console. The presets are taken from internet (Rocktron’s web page) and some of them are the original Voodu Valve presets – my favorites from all. The presets was a litle modified for sounding good direct in recording console. The presets mut be loaded as a bulk load. I recomand every one to buy Roctron because I believe your products are very good and I’m thankful to you for that.”
• studio.zip

Raf and from Belgium writes: “Hi! first off all I love the V.V. online, really a great unit. After tweaking for a while I found the sound I was looking for. I named the patch ‘In Flames’ a great swedish metalband! So that’s what I play METAL and that’s what this patch sounds like!”
• inflames.syx

A brand new VooDu Valve preset from another Rocktron user.
• human1.syx

Here’s a collection of VooDu Valve presets by Mike all the way from Greece.
• clean.syx
• arpege.syx
• wahwahcln.syx
• octavercln.syx
• witchdoctor.syx
• leaddistort.syx
• acceptthis.syx

Franck in France recently sent in these presets which he uses with his Voodu Valve.
• frankyzzz.zip

From Dennis in Germany here is five more presets, plus the description to go along with them (dennis.doc).
• dennis.doc
• human.syx
• dashit.syx
• dragon.syx
• dream.syx

Here are 128 manufacturer presets of the TABOO TWIN which must be dumped as a bulk load.
• taboo.syx

Another set of VooDu Valve presets sent by Rocktron user YJM!
• yjmv2.zip

Sent in by Alex (rubakov@mail.ru), these presets offer numerous different tones as well as the Megadeth one below.
• thrash.zip

Also, sent in by Alex (rubakov@mail.ru), this preset offers a rhythm guitar tone similar to Megadeth’s Cryptic Writings.
• megadeth.zip

This preset was sent in by Tom who says it offers the ultimate Malmsteen tone!
• yjm.zip

This file contains the entire collection of the new VooDu Valve On-Line model presets. (This file must be entered as a bulk load.)
• vooduol.zip

This file contains 127 new presets that come with the Chameleon On-Line and have been converted for the VooDu Valve!! (This file must be entered as a bulk load.)
• voocham.zip

This file contains 3 presets created by German VooDu Valve owner Manfred Hayk.
• hayk.zip

This file contains 4 presets created by VooDu Valve owner Rick Lazear.
• ricklazear.zip

This file contains 3 presets created by VooDu Valve owner Alan Messerschmitt
• azvoodu.zip

This file contains 1 preset created by VooDu Valve owner Guido Henkel.
• moore.zip

These presets were created and contributed by the guitar techs of Music Center Liolios in Greece, Michalis Georgaras and Sakis (Lyssa) Kazakis. This file contains 3 presets.
• greek1.zip

These presets were submitted by Per Sviggum and are free for all to (ab)use. PLAY LOUD!! This file contains 20 presets.
• voodnorw.zip

This preset was submitted by Guido Henkel . This file contains 1 preset which was created to emulate Mark Knopfler’s tone from “The Sultans of Swing”.
• dire.zip

This file contains 3 presets which were submitted by Jorg Schulte from Sauerland, Germany
• schulte.zip

Voodu Valve Editor

Check it out, these patches are now interchangeable! You can use them for either your VooDu Valve or Taboo Twin. Change your presets via your PC!

Most Voodu Valve preset.zip files now contain text descriptions of each presets title, configuration and parameter values, which you can use to manually enter these new presets into your Voodu Valve!

About the Editor

The available editors are for PC only. Not every product we have developed has a dedicated PC editor in which case we would recommend MIDI Ox or other MIDI recording software. Simply select the editor to match your product and hit download. (Note the specific product must be set on the dump/load page to send or receive data).

Where can I find more information on MIDI utilities?

Harmony Central is a very good source of information on MIDI and MIDI utilities.

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Black Cat Moan

Black Cat Moan

Black Cat Moan
Get more out of your wah wah pedal with a Black Cat Moan.

Rocktron introduces a new breed as the Cat goes on the prowl!

Rocktron’s new Black Cat Moan
is a multi-functional wah pedal that offers extremely useful and musical features.
Built-in germanium diodes provide a unique sweepable sonic effect (THE MOAN) that can act
as a stand alone distortion and can be combined with the wah for an effect that
cries harder and sweeter than a baby.The Moan
effect has been specifically designed for heavy distortion situations, although it can be
used in all situations. The Moan effect will be most apparent when using a heavier
distortion. The effect can sometimes be subtle depending on the natural harmonics of your
guitar or bass.

The Black Cat Moan has a three position
selector switch that allows you to choose one of three different wah voicing modes. While
the Cat is an amazing tool for guitar players, the third mode, now get this, is
“BASS” – yes – that is right – BASS! Plug this into a bass rig
and you won’t believe how moanfully sweet it is!

A Wah ON/OFF switch is located under the toe of
the rocker footpedal while a side “kicker” switch is used to turn the MOAN
effect On or OFF. The MOAN can be used as a stand alone distortion or applied to the wah
effect using the COMBINE MOAN/WAH switch. Moan
Level Control adjusts the overall output of the MOAN effect when the MOAN effect is
activated. Moan Gain Control provides a mid-frequency band pass filter harmonic boost, but
hey, we just call it MOAN!

Wah Type Selector Control allows
you to select three different Wah modes – Normal, Classic and Bass. Once you have
selected the Wah Type you can also further modify the sound by using the Moan gain and
level controls.A pedal rocker tension
adjustment screw will allow you to adjust the “action” of the Black Cat Moan
pedal to suit your taste – using an allen wrench.
For more information about the Black Cat Moan, see the
instruction manual in the SUPPORT section of this website.

Rocktron – All Access

Rocktron – All Access

Rocktron.com requires the Flash Plug-in.

Rocktron.com requires the Flash Plug-in.

All Access

Rocktron.com requires the Flash Plug-in.

Buy the All Access from an online dealer. Select below to purchase!



Quck Access Menu

When you need to go pro, choose THE MOST professional stage foot controller, the Rocktron All Access. This is the world’s most advanced controller, used on more pro tours than any other. 

Having evolved from the earlier “Rocktron/Bradshaw” units, the Rocktron All Access is the professional standard. More rugged and more powerful, the All Access again proves that Rocktron is the leader in technology for guitar players. The All Access as a stand-alone foot controller can be completely customized for your gear requirements. It can be set up to your specs in three operating modes: Bank Mode, Song Mode and Remote Mode.

The Bank Mode has 120 presets and each instant switch can be set up global or per preset. Customize set-up as either 24 banks of 5 presets with 10 “instant” switches (effect on/off); or 12 banks of 10 presets with 5 instant switches (effect on/off); or 8 banks of 15 presets with no instant switches set up. All 15 access switches can also be set up to “instant”, operating as a huge instant access “pedal board”.

Song Mode allows up to 150 songs to be stored with 15 presets per song. The 10 sets allow placement of 50 songs per set.

Remote mode automatically programs the footswitch to match Rocktron remote-compatible units. Titles and individual switch functions will automatically program and continuously update themselves on both the rack unit and the All Access foot controller. Functions like tap delay, mute, boost and effects on/off instantly appear when connected to a Rocktron remote jack without any programming.

Other All Access features include 18 metal Switches for positive tactile feel and long life; large 16 character fluorescent display for custom titles and easy programming and clear visual on any stage; LED indicators that light for every switch at all times as an on/off status indicator and a dimly lit preset number (all 18 switches) so stage blackouts will not hinder pedal operations; seven pin MIDI Out jack to allow phantom powering from your rack; 120 presets which can include over 36 MIDI commands per preset to be transmitted amongst the 16 MIDI channels including “toggling” control change commands; MIDI filtering, dump/load, SysEx, select 0-127 or 1-128 transmit operation; and the fast, easy copy function allows you to copy any preset, bank, song, or set to another respectfully.

Dimensions: 15.5″ wide x 10.5″ deep x 3.5″ tall
Weight: 10lbs
Power requirements: 9VAC/1500mA • UL and CSA approved operation.

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All Access LTD
Midi Mate
Midi Xchange
PatchMate Loop 8
PatchMate Loop 8 Floor
Utopia Expression Pedal


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HUSH Ultra

Floor Processors

Utopia B100
Utopia B200
Utopia B300
Utopia G100
Utopia G200
Utopia G300


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VooDu Valve

Speaker Enclosures

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Stompboxes (Category)

Boutique Series

Black Rose Octaver
Clestial Delay
Cotton Mouth Fuzz
Dreamstar Chorus
Guitar Silencer
Mega Booster
Metal Embrace Distortion
Scared Fire Compressor
Third Angel Distortion
Tru Loop
Valve Charger
VII Deadly Sins Auto-Wah

Classic Series

Austin Gold Overdrive
Big Crush Compressor
Deep Blue Chorus
Heart Attack Dynamic Filter
HUSH Noise Reduction
Hypnotic Flange
Metal Planet Distortion
NItro Tonal Booster
Rampage Distortion
Short Timer Delay
Silver Dragon Distortion
Sonic Glory Overdrive
XTune Tuner Pedal
Zombie Rectified Distortion

Cyborg Series

Cyborg Digital Delay
Cyborg Digital Distortion
Cyborg Digital Reverb

Reaction Series

Reaction Chorus
Reaction Compressor
Reaction Digital Delay
Reaction Distortion 1
Reaction Dynamic Filter
Reaction HUSH
Reaction Octaver
Reaction Phaser
Reaction Super Booster
Reaction Super Charger
Reaction Tremolo
Reaction Tuner

Talkbox Stompboxes

Banshee Talkbox
Banshee Talkbox 2

Wah Pedals

Black Cat Moan Wah
Classic Wah
Tri-Wah Pedal
Utopia Bass Wah
Utopia Guitar Wah

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Rocktron – Midi Xchange

Rocktron – Midi Xchange

Rocktron.com requires the Flash Plug-in.

Rocktron.com requires the Flash Plug-in.

Midi Xchange

Rocktron.com requires the Flash Plug-in.

Buy the Midi Xchange from an online dealer. Select below to purchase!



Quck Access Menu

Now Rocktron makes MIDI control easier and more affordable with the MIDI Xchange, a low-cost portable MIDI footswitch with “SMART CONTROLLERS”. 

The MIDI Xchange is a simple to use, yet multi-functional MIDI switcher that not only controls Rocktron products, but other MIDI switchable products as well. Two built-in expression ports allow you to plug in up to two Rocktron HEX expression/volume controllers for continuous controlling of all sorts of parameters.

A great feature of the MIDI Xchange is that it runs on a 9-volt battery, as well as external power. Thus, if you are doing a gig where it is hard to run power out to your floor pedals – you won’t have any problem with the MIDI Xchange as battery operation will allow you to make the preset controller changes you need. And, the MIDI Xchange is also phantom powerable through select Rocktron processors and amplifiers.

A three segment display shows you the preset you are on or which controller assignment has been selected. A power switch is provided to turn on or off the MIDI Xchange. Upon turning on the unit, the display will flash the number “1” at which point you may either press the RECALL switch to select preset “1” or use the UP and DOWN buttons to select the desired preset number – then press the RECALL button to choose the selected preset.

The MIDI Xchange provides “SMART CONTROLLERS” not commonly seen in low-cost MIDI footswitches. What are SMART CONTROLLERS? Typically with most MIDI footcontrollers, when using continuous controller pedals the “status” of the pedals are not reported when a new preset command has been sent. This would most likely cause a discontinuity in volume requiring the user to step on his volume pedal to correct the change, thus updating the pedal status manually. The MIDI Xchange issues “current status” of both controller pedal ports upon the recall program change command being sent out. Also, auto enable of these controller messages are detected when any of the two ports have a pedal attached to them. Everything is handled by the MIDI Xchange for ease of use!

An example of this would be – when you reduce the volume of preset 1 with an expression pedal – when switching to preset 2, unlike other typical MIDI controllers, the MIDI Xchange will automatically detect the position of the pedal and apply that to the volume of preset 2 – thus no loud or abrupt volume changes. This is ideal in a live situation.

The MIDI Xchange has two SMART CONTROLLER PORTS labeled CC17 and CC7. (CC stands for Continuous Controller). The CC17 port is the default volume controller for all Rocktron products. Thus, all you need to do to control the volume of each preset is plug an expression pedal into this port and it will control the volume on all Rocktron products. The CC7 port is the default volume controller for most non-Rocktron products. Note – the use of these controller numbers are not exclusive – by programming the receiving units (Rocktron processors or other non-Rocktron processors) controller assignments you could assign controller 17 or 7 to control various different parameters. 

Other Products That May Interest You!

Utopia Guitar Wah
The Ultimate guitar wah
| Details
Black Rose Octaver
Octave Effect

| Details
Cyborg Reverb
High Quality Reverb
| Details


DC OnTap Universal Power Supply
Power Adaptor 9VAC Wall
Power Adaptor 9VAC Table Top
Power Adaptor 13VAC Wall
DC OnTap Accessory Adaptor Cables
Midi Cable 7 Pin
Midi Cable 5 to 7 Pin
Utopia Gig Travel Bag
VFS1 Footswitch
VFS2 Footswitch
Banshee Replacement Tube

Amplifiers (Category)

Bass Amplifiers

Bass 200
Rampage Bass 10
Rampage Bass 15
Rampage Bass 20
Rampage Bass 30
Rampage Bass 60
Rampage Bass 100

Guitar Amplifiers

Velocity V10
Velocity V15
Velocity V25D
Velocity V25R
Velocity V30D
Velocity V30R
Velocity V50C
Velocity V50D
Vendetta Tube Head
Vendetta V80r Combo
Vendetta V160 Combo
Vendetta VH160r Head

Rackmount Guitar Amplifiers

Velocity 100
Velocity 300

Mini Amplifiers



All Access LTD
Midi Mate
Midi Xchange
PatchMate Loop 8
PatchMate Loop 8 Floor
Utopia Expression Pedal


HUSH Super C
HUSH Ultra

Floor Processors

Utopia B100
Utopia B200
Utopia B300
Utopia G100
Utopia G200
Utopia G300


Blue Thunder
Ganiac 2
Prophesy 2
VooDu Valve

Speaker Enclosures

Velocity S112

Stompboxes (Category)

Boutique Series

Black Rose Octaver
Clestial Delay
Cotton Mouth Fuzz
Dreamstar Chorus
Guitar Silencer
Mega Booster
Metal Embrace Distortion
Scared Fire Compressor
Third Angel Distortion
Tru Loop
Valve Charger
VII Deadly Sins Auto-Wah

Classic Series

Austin Gold Overdrive
Big Crush Compressor
Deep Blue Chorus
Heart Attack Dynamic Filter
HUSH Noise Reduction
Hypnotic Flange
Metal Planet Distortion
NItro Tonal Booster
Rampage Distortion
Short Timer Delay
Silver Dragon Distortion
Sonic Glory Overdrive
XTune Tuner Pedal
Zombie Rectified Distortion

Cyborg Series

Cyborg Digital Delay
Cyborg Digital Distortion
Cyborg Digital Reverb

Reaction Series

Reaction Chorus
Reaction Compressor
Reaction Digital Delay
Reaction Distortion 1
Reaction Dynamic Filter
Reaction HUSH
Reaction Octaver
Reaction Phaser
Reaction Super Booster
Reaction Super Charger
Reaction Tremolo
Reaction Tuner

Talkbox Stompboxes

Banshee Talkbox
Banshee Talkbox 2

Wah Pedals

Black Cat Moan Wah
Classic Wah
Tri-Wah Pedal
Utopia Bass Wah
Utopia Guitar Wah

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Rocktron – PatchMate Loop 8 Floor

Rocktron – PatchMate Loop 8 Floor

Rocktron.com requires the Flash Plug-in.

Rocktron.com requires the Flash Plug-in.

PatchMate Loop 8 Floor

Rocktron.com requires the Flash Plug-in.

Buy the PatchMate Loop 8 Floor from an online dealer. Select below to purchase!



Quck Access Menu

With the incredible popularity of the recently released PatchMate Loop 8, Rocktron expands the controller universe by adding a FLOOR version!  You are going to love this product. 

The PatchMate Loop 8 Floor provides 8 discrete Loops all with True Bypass, buffered and non buffered signal paths, 128 programmable presets with Real time control using the 9 high quality metal foot switches.

The eight loops may be configured for multiple purposes including Channel switching, effects loops, guitar routing and more.  Add preset programmability along with pedal True Bypass to any standard pedal board with ease!
The PatchMate Loop 8 Floor is easy to set up and program with real time user controls.  Program the unit from the top panel using the switches.  Recall the first 8 user presets using the 8 onboard footswitches or access a total of 128 presets using external MIDI program changes.  External MIDI Continuous Controllers add the ability to trigger loops externally.

The PatchMate Loop 8 Floor supports intelligent latching and momentary switch sensing, which allows the user to use any MIDI Continuous Controller number without any other programming effort!

The PatchMate Loop 8 Floor has buffered ACTIVE and PASSIVE inputs, with PASSIVE/ACTIVE and ACTIVE outputs on the back. It may also be set to any MIDI channel and is programmable from the top panel as well as configured for use on any of 16 banks of controllers via the top panel switches.

MIDI In/Out/Thru is also provided making it the ideal addition to any floor setup that can benefit from the flexibility attained with Programmable Presets, 8 Loops with True Bypass, Real Time and External Loop Control capabilities. 

Additionally, using Rocktron’s SMART CONTROLLER TECHNOLOGY, the PatchMate LOOP 8 Floor can also be used for momentary amplifier switching!

For further expansion Rocktron recommends combining the PatchMate Loop 8 Floor with any Rocktron MIDI controller, including the MIDI XChange, MIDI Mate, All Access and All Access LTD. 

Other Products That May Interest You!

Utopia Bass Wah
Just for Bass Players
| Details
Autin Gold Overdrive
Breath new life into your amp
| Details
A true bypass pedal

| Details


DC OnTap Universal Power Supply
Power Adaptor 9VAC Wall
Power Adaptor 9VAC Table Top
Power Adaptor 13VAC Wall
DC OnTap Accessory Adaptor Cables
Midi Cable 7 Pin
Midi Cable 5 to 7 Pin
Utopia Gig Travel Bag
VFS1 Footswitch
VFS2 Footswitch
Banshee Replacement Tube

Amplifiers (Category)

Bass Amplifiers

Bass 200
Rampage Bass 10
Rampage Bass 15
Rampage Bass 20
Rampage Bass 30
Rampage Bass 60
Rampage Bass 100

Guitar Amplifiers

Velocity V10
Velocity V15
Velocity V25D
Velocity V25R
Velocity V30D
Velocity V30R
Velocity V50C
Velocity V50D
Vendetta Tube Head
Vendetta V80r Combo
Vendetta V160 Combo
Vendetta VH160r Head

Rackmount Guitar Amplifiers

Velocity 100
Velocity 300

Mini Amplifiers



All Access LTD
Midi Mate
Midi Xchange
PatchMate Loop 8
PatchMate Loop 8 Floor
Utopia Expression Pedal


HUSH Super C
HUSH Ultra

Floor Processors

Utopia B100
Utopia B200
Utopia B300
Utopia G100
Utopia G200
Utopia G300


Blue Thunder
Ganiac 2
Prophesy 2
VooDu Valve

Speaker Enclosures

Velocity S112

Stompboxes (Category)

Boutique Series

Black Rose Octaver
Clestial Delay
Cotton Mouth Fuzz
Dreamstar Chorus
Guitar Silencer
Mega Booster
Metal Embrace Distortion
Scared Fire Compressor
Third Angel Distortion
Tru Loop
Valve Charger
VII Deadly Sins Auto-Wah

Classic Series

Austin Gold Overdrive
Big Crush Compressor
Deep Blue Chorus
Heart Attack Dynamic Filter
HUSH Noise Reduction
Hypnotic Flange
Metal Planet Distortion
NItro Tonal Booster
Rampage Distortion
Short Timer Delay
Silver Dragon Distortion
Sonic Glory Overdrive
XTune Tuner Pedal
Zombie Rectified Distortion

Cyborg Series

Cyborg Digital Delay
Cyborg Digital Distortion
Cyborg Digital Reverb

Reaction Series

Reaction Chorus
Reaction Compressor
Reaction Digital Delay
Reaction Distortion 1
Reaction Dynamic Filter
Reaction HUSH
Reaction Octaver
Reaction Phaser
Reaction Super Booster
Reaction Super Charger
Reaction Tremolo
Reaction Tuner

Talkbox Stompboxes

Banshee Talkbox
Banshee Talkbox 2

Wah Pedals

Black Cat Moan Wah
Classic Wah
Tri-Wah Pedal
Utopia Bass Wah
Utopia Guitar Wah

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Rocktron – Utopia B300

Rocktron – Utopia B300

Rocktron.com requires the Flash Plug-in.

Rocktron.com requires the Flash Plug-in.

Utopia B300

Rocktron.com requires the Flash Plug-in.

Buy the Utopia B300 from an online dealer. Select below to purchase!



Quck Access Menu

Bass players can rejoice as Rocktron answers the call with the Utopia B Series Professional Guitar Systems. The Utopia B Series unleashes an arsenal of tone and effects processing and each model is packed with plenty of great sounds ready to transform any bass amplifier into a Powerhouse of Rock. 

Simply put a Utopia between you and your amp and let your inspiration flow! Find out why Rocktron stands alone with amazing tone generation and effects in the Utopia B series – everything you need to create your own signature sound and define a new generation of playing. Play in Utopia where the future is amazing!


Sound samples 1 – 12 courtesy of Pascal Mulot
We’ve loaded these babies with a total of 128 presets. Everything you need to create your own signature sound has been included: four totally usable channels, 4-band EQ, and full bandwidth effects give you the tools to create awesome high quality tones that will define and complement your individual playing style.

The Utopia series is easy to use and operate. Fully programmable, the B Series features easy-to-read Cool Blue LCD Display, (no cryptic tables to decipher or matrix-led crossword puzzles – just plain easy). Not merely a plastic toy, the Utopia B Series are built with a rugged metal chassis and roadworthy professional grade expression control pedal made from metal!

Each Utopia B Series model provides four channels of awesome tone. Rocktron’s pristine full bandwidth effects will rock your world. Pre-effects include wah, phaser, compressor. Post effects include chorus, flanger, pitch shift, tremolo, delay and reverb. You also get Rocktron exclusives like our state-of-the-art Speaker Exciter (for ultimate live and recording capabilities), Variac (tube sag emulation) and HUSH® noise reduction.

All models in the Utopia B Series include:
• Motorola® 24 Bit DSP Engine with AKM Converters
• Full bandwidth effects
• Stereo outputs
• Heavy Duty Headphone Output (1/8 stereo phone)
• Auxiliary (MP3/CD/iPOD) Input (1/8 stereo phone)
• Rugged professional grade chassis and expression pedal made from metal
• Power supply

The B300 includes 128 total user programmable presets. The B300 provides 4 channels of awesome tone: DEEP, NORM, BRITE and DIST. The B300 includes USB audio recording and playback connectivity, built in tuner, glow in the dark pedal board markings, illuminated footswitches, MIDI in and MIDI out/thru, assignable effect on/off, tap delay note quantization (1/16, 1/8, triplet, 1/4, 1/2 and whole), programmable pre-processing analog effects loop, and extra External Expression controller pedal port.

The B300 also provides Up/Down preset Bank by 10 with instant recall buttons and a 2nd mode with 10 instant access controller switches.

Other Products That May Interest You!

Utopia Bass Wah
Just for Bass Players
| Details
Autin Gold Overdrive
Breath new life into your amp
| Details
A true bypass pedal

| Details


DC OnTap Universal Power Supply
Power Adaptor 9VAC Wall
Power Adaptor 9VAC Table Top
Power Adaptor 13VAC Wall
DC OnTap Accessory Adaptor Cables
Midi Cable 7 Pin
Midi Cable 5 to 7 Pin
Utopia Gig Travel Bag
VFS1 Footswitch
VFS2 Footswitch
Banshee Replacement Tube

Amplifiers (Category)

Bass Amplifiers

Bass 200
Rampage Bass 10
Rampage Bass 15
Rampage Bass 20
Rampage Bass 30
Rampage Bass 60
Rampage Bass 100

Guitar Amplifiers

Velocity V10
Velocity V15
Velocity V25D
Velocity V25R
Velocity V30D
Velocity V30R
Velocity V50C
Velocity V50D
Vendetta Tube Head
Vendetta V80r Combo
Vendetta V160 Combo
Vendetta VH160r Head

Rackmount Guitar Amplifiers

Velocity 100
Velocity 300

Mini Amplifiers



All Access LTD
Midi Mate
Midi Xchange
PatchMate Loop 8
PatchMate Loop 8 Floor
Utopia Expression Pedal


HUSH Super C
HUSH Ultra

Floor Processors

Utopia B100
Utopia B200
Utopia B300
Utopia G100
Utopia G200
Utopia G300


Blue Thunder
Ganiac 2
Prophesy 2
VooDu Valve

Speaker Enclosures

Velocity S112

Stompboxes (Category)

Boutique Series

Black Rose Octaver
Clestial Delay
Cotton Mouth Fuzz
Dreamstar Chorus
Guitar Silencer
Mega Booster
Metal Embrace Distortion
Scared Fire Compressor
Third Angel Distortion
Tru Loop
Valve Charger
VII Deadly Sins Auto-Wah

Classic Series

Austin Gold Overdrive
Big Crush Compressor
Deep Blue Chorus
Heart Attack Dynamic Filter
HUSH Noise Reduction
Hypnotic Flange
Metal Planet Distortion
NItro Tonal Booster
Rampage Distortion
Short Timer Delay
Silver Dragon Distortion
Sonic Glory Overdrive
XTune Tuner Pedal
Zombie Rectified Distortion

Cyborg Series

Cyborg Digital Delay
Cyborg Digital Distortion
Cyborg Digital Reverb

Reaction Series

Reaction Chorus
Reaction Compressor
Reaction Digital Delay
Reaction Distortion 1
Reaction Dynamic Filter
Reaction HUSH
Reaction Octaver
Reaction Phaser
Reaction Super Booster
Reaction Super Charger
Reaction Tremolo
Reaction Tuner

Talkbox Stompboxes

Banshee Talkbox
Banshee Talkbox 2

Wah Pedals

Black Cat Moan Wah
Classic Wah
Tri-Wah Pedal
Utopia Bass Wah
Utopia Guitar Wah

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